Year: 2010

Baby steps

Deathwing in Dragon form

In case you’ve been living in a cave of late you’ll be aware that patch 4.0.1 is now live and that we’re all firmly set on our way to Deathwing’s violent return. I’ve been making some notes as I have struggled to come to terms with what appears to be a brand new set of healing slippers. Every now and then I find myself pining for my tattered tartan moccasins—the ones with the frayed piping—but I know I won’t be getting them back and so onwards I must go.

The Good

  1. Healing’s actually a fair bit more challenging now. I have a choice of spell and don’t have to spam Holy Light all day.
  2. My flying mounts are all 310% speed which pleases my Argent Hippogryph.
  3. The UI’s had a few tweaks. I really like the built in raid frames and hope they end up replacing my trusty Grid.
  4. Ooh… pretty water.

The big bad beta screenshot blog post

Rather then deluge you in a veritable torrent of content light image posts I’m just going to chuck all my screenshots into one Cataclysm imagery grab bag.

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it

I’ve been really struggling to think of engaging, useful content to pepper your inboxes with—this blog writing thing is not really all that easy to get into—but it looks like I’ll have something new to show you everyday now 🙂

Remember kids, never click on links in emails. Go immediately to and see for yourself

Do you RP?

I need to stand on things else I can't reach

Meet Grokknome; he’s the character I created to make some real money on the AH. Actually, scratch that, he was originally created for a level 1 gnome hogger raid. You know, before they nerfed that particular piece of fun. If I recall correctly the 40 or so of us that had gathered managed to kill hogger just fine—we then went on a tour of Dalaran before jumping out of the sewer pipe in some sort of mass Gnomish suicide pact.

The trip has indeed been long

Here be (rideable violet) dragons

I’d like to thank all the people who’d made the last year as enjoyable as it has been. Despite having been playing this game for over a year now I’ve still got so much to see and do – so for that I’d like to thank blizzard, but not for The Turkinator for that they can all go sit in the naughty corner.