I was fortunate enough to get on the Cataclysm Beta. If you scroll down enough you’ll see my huge screenshot gallery and possibly a few thoughts on it. It was a fantastic experience but I’m not going to repeat it.
Because Spoilers.
![MoP beta account on battle.net](/2012/05/mists-of-pandaria-beta/images/Screen-Shot-2012-05-09-at-14.05.26_hu2442237229574609334.jpg)
Since I purchased the Annual pass I was guaranteed a spot on the MoP beta. This excited me back last year when I signed up but as time passed I’ve decided that no, I don’t want to know what a Panda is like, that no, I don’t want a Monk just yet and that no, I really don’t want to know how they’ve changed the Holy Paladin’s play style/role/armour/beard1
So sorry for a lack of screen shots. You’ll have to make do with the one above.
I think all Paladins should be Dwarfs. Ergo; beards. ↩︎