In case you’ve been living in a cave of late you’ll be aware that patch 4.0.1 is now live and that we’re all firmly set on our way to Deathwing’s violent return. I’ve been making some notes as I have struggled to come to terms with what appears to be a brand new set of healing slippers. Every now and then I find myself pining for my tattered tartan moccasins—the ones with the frayed piping—but I know I won’t be getting them back and so onwards I must go.
The Good
- Healing’s actually a fair bit more challenging now. I have a choice of spell and don’t have to spam Holy Light all day.
- My flying mounts are all 310% speed which pleases my Argent Hippogryph.
- The UI’s had a few tweaks. I really like the built in raid frames and hope they end up replacing my trusty Grid.
- Ooh… pretty water.