Tag: Portainer

Running Home Assistant in docker on a Raspberry Pi - Part 2

Welcome to the second part of a multipart series where we setup a Home Assistant instance in Docker. We’ve already installed Ubuntu server on Raspberry Pi and have an instance of Portainer running. If you want to see how we got this far then check out part 1

In this instalment we’ll be solidifying how we configure our environment. We’ll also be setting up Traefik to act as the frontend to our web applications and getting our Raspberry Pi a permanent home on the internet, and we’ll revisit Portainer so that it works in our new Traefik driven world.

This guide is aimed at an intermediate level. It assumes a certain amount of comfort in the Linux command line.

Running Home Assistant in docker on a Raspberry Pi

Welcome to the first part of a multipart series that will detail getting Home Assistant running in Docker on your RaspberryPi. We’ll be installing Docker on an Ubuntu server instance running on Raspberry Pi. It will expose the services it runs through an instance of Traefik - that will automatically configure SSL certificates and it will give you a management interface called Portainer so that you can directly control the services running.

This guide is aimed at an intermediate level. It assumes a certain amount of comfort in the Linux command line.