Tag: Tech

Running Home Assistant in docker on a Raspberry Pi

Welcome to the first part of a multipart series that will detail getting Home Assistant running in Docker on your RaspberryPi. We’ll be installing Docker on an Ubuntu server instance running on Raspberry Pi. It will expose the services it runs through an instance of Traefik - that will automatically configure SSL certificates and it will give you a management interface called Portainer so that you can directly control the services running.

This guide is aimed at an intermediate level. It assumes a certain amount of comfort in the Linux command line.

Welcome to the new Real Men Wear Dress.es

This was the year I took some time out to rebuild this site. As is typical for the personal projects we take on it featured large amounts of scope creep, a non-existant deadline and too many new technologies to learn.

Deploying Rancheros on Vultr Instances

One of things I’ve been playing with of late is a Docker container orchestration system called Rancher. I’ve been very excited to discover the features and capabilities the developers have created and despite being quite new it’s extremely well polished - for the most part it just works. One of the projects they’d developed alongside their software is an operating system called RancherOS. It’s a light weight linux installation that runs it’s userspace entirely from within containers; the init process is docker itself.

Ansible deployment of DNS zone files

I’ve recently started to refactor my server configuration1. It’s always been built with Ansible but it was one of the first things I ever did using that and I was fairly certain that every way I could have been doing it wrong I was.