Tag: Wow

Achievement Get!

This expansion has ended on a high note for me thanks to my awesome girlfriend and Openraid. I’ve managed to get my ‘Ahead of the Curve’ as well as the meta and the challenge mode silver rewards. This is all awesome and to me at least feels like a great place to be going into Warlords.

Hammer Time

U can't touch this

Thanks to the efforts of Elsen, the members of Jane Doe and the denizens of Open Raid I now make awesome awesome bubbles.

My Christmas Project — Part Deux

As detailed in my last post my World of Warcraft project for this Christmas break was to get my bank alt Gnome to level 80 for a Herald of the Titans run that’ll be happening sometime later this year. Unfortunately I did not commit the necessary time to the project to get it done. I did however get him 13 more levels up to a nice 53. About halfway through I was informed that I really should have him in a guild with all the leveling perks and was hindering things by keeping him in my banking guild ‘The Royal Bank of Grokk’.

My Christmas Project

My 2012 Christmas Project is to level my 40-ish bank alt Grokknome. The tricksy little Gnome Rogue must be level 80 by the end of the break so I can take him into Ulduar and get a Herald of the Ancients achievement at some point next year. Failure on this point will result in not getting said achievement — this is bad. There. Since it’s now written down it has to happen.

Mists of Pandaria beta

I was fortunate enough to get on the Cataclysm Beta. If you scroll down enough you’ll see my huge screenshot gallery and possibly a few thoughts on it. It was a fantastic experience but I’m not going to repeat it. Because Spoilers. Since I purchased the Annual pass I was guaranteed a spot on the MoP beta. This excited me back last year when I signed up but as time passed I’ve decided that no, I don’t want to know what a Panda is like, that no, I don’t want a Monk just yet and that no, I really don’t want to know how they’ve changed the Holy Paladin’s play style/role/armour/beard1